Post-Queer Pride 93

Glenn Belverio

1993 | 00:28:57 | United States | English | Color | Mono | 4:3 | Hi8 video

Collection: Single Titles

Tags: Activism, Gender, LGBTQ, Performance, TV production, Television

In Post Queer Pride 93, Brenda and Glennda attend the New York City Queer Pride Parade. This video marks the return of Brenda after her relocation to Florida, and Glennda interviews her about the queer scene and gay activism in the South. At the parade, they conduct interviews with queers about the postqueer movement, the leather and SM scene, feminism, and capitalism. In doing so, Brenda and Glennda discuss questions of representation, conflicting methods of gay activism, and the concept of horizontal hostility. After the show, an excerpt from “Fertile La Toyah Jackson Video Magazine”' is seen, in which Hollywood drag queens are interviewed about their looks.

An episode of Glennda and Friends, hosted by Glennda Orgasm and Brenda Sexual. Featuring Post Queer Cocksucker, Otto, and Smurfette.

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