SHE MAD: Bitch Zone

Martine Syms

2020 | 00:10:50 | United States | English | Color | Stereo | 16:9 | HD video

Collection: Single Titles

Tags: African-American, Feminism, Surveillance, Television, Youth/Childhood

She Mad is an episodic project that uses fragments from the sitcom format to explore the sign of blackness in the public imagination. It is a way to think about surveillance, visibility, and the gulf between lived experience and representation. The show follows Martine, a graphic designer who wishes she were an important artist. She is an overachieving stoner who lives in Hollyweird.

In this episode, Bitch Zone, and innocuous comment triggers a flashback to Summer 2000 when she was a camper at BZone, a week-long empowerment program for teenage girls founded by a supermodel.

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