Crystal Z Campbell

2022 | 00:17:27 | United States / Netherlands | English | Color | Stereo | 16:9 |

Collection: New Releases, Single Titles

Tags: African-American, History, Memory, Mental Landscape, Migration

REVOLVER is a short film that weaves the perceptual phenomenon of pareidolia (a situation in which someone sees a pattern or image of something that does not exist) with an oral history narrated by a descendent of Exodusters. Nicodemus, Kansas (USA) was deemed a late 19th century refuge for Exodusters—Black people from the southern United States who fled violence and inequities following the Civil War. Guided by memory, history, and rumor of a Black utopia, REVOLVER proposes a psychogeographic history of place infused with visions and dreams.

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Prizes + Awards

Silver Hugo, Chicago International Film Festival


Chicago International Film Festival
Chicago, IL

Exhibitions + Festivals

FENDA Film Festival, Belo Horizonte, BR 2023 

Semana de Cinema Negro, Belo Horizonte, BR 2023 

Process Film Festival, Riga, LV 2023 

Crystal Z Campbell: Ode to the Underloved, Artists Space, NY, NY 2023 (installation) 

Hall Center, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 2023 

Berlinale International Film Festival, Forum Expanded, Berlin, DE 2023 

Silver Hugo Award for Documentary Short Film, Chicago International Film Festival, Chicago, IL 2022 

San Diego Asian Film Festival, San Diego, CA 2022